La Belén porta trenta-dos anys treballant a menjadors infantils, els darrers set a la cuina del Reina Violant. És la cuinera del parvulari i de primària, però les seves responsabilitats abasten molts més camps. De fet, la seva jornada laboral comença a les set del matí, quan rep les comandes i comprova que no hi falta res, i s’acaba a les tres de la tarda, quan ha enllestit les tasques de recollir i de netejar les instal·lacions. Entremig ha guardat el menjar a la nevera i al congelador, controlant la temperatura,
posant-hi la data i comprovant els ingredients per a les dietes especials, i ha rentat els aliments segons les necessitats de cadascun (el pollastre, la carn i el peix entre dos i tres cops, la verdura fins que no hi queda cap rastre de terra). Tot i sentir-se ufanosa de l’augment de nota que la inspecció tècnica ha atorgat a la cuina en l’apartat de neteja des que és responsabilitat seva, quan més gaudeix diu que és quan puja a veure com mengen els nens. Tenir una néta que menja fora de casa ajuda la Belén a afrontar la feina amb la mateixa il·lusió que el primer dia.
Name: Belén Centeno
Belén has been working in school dining rooms for thirty-two years, and for the last seven in the kitchen at Reina Violant. She cooks for the nursery school and the primary school, although her duties are far greater. In fact, her working day begins at seven in the morning, when she receives the orders and makes sure that nothing is missing, and ends at three in the afternoon, when she has put everything away and finishes cleaning.
In the meantime she has stored the food in the fridge and the feeezer, checked the temperature and the ingredients of special diets and washed the food items according to the characteristics of each type (the chicken, meat and fish two or three times, the vegetables until no trace of dirt is left). Belén is proud of the fact that health inspectors have raised the score for cleanliness of the kitchen since she has been in charge, although her favourite part of the job is going upstairs to watch the children eat. Having a granddaughter who also has a school lunch helps Belén tackle her work with the same enthusiasm she had when she first started.
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